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About InterPride
To achieve legal, social, and cultural equity for the SOGIESC (diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and sex characteristics) community through the Pride movement.
- To contribute to the visibility and inclusion of SOGIESC communities.
- To connect, grow, and support Pride Platforms and networks globally.
- To assist the Pride movement to design and conduct human rights events that deconstruct myths, lies, and prejudices surrounding SOGIESC realities.
- To maximize networking and communication across the global Pride movement, offer resources, grow and leverage partnerships.
Trust, Respect, Accountability, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Kindness, Bravery
InterPride is the international organization that advances the Pride movement by coordinating with global partners that share our values.
We are uniquely suited to carry out our work because InterPride:
- Works with and supports the visibility and development of Pride networks around the world, thereby contributing to the presence and influence of Pride efforts at regional and local levels.
- Supports the production of Pride events for the global SOGIESC community.
- Manages, supports, and awards WorldPride™, global grant programs, and related initiatives.
Founded in 1982, InterPride is a not-for-profit membership-based organization with more than 300 members from over 60 countries. Sources of income include membership dues, licensing fees, sponsorships, donations, and merchandise sales.
We partner with other international, regional, and national LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual+) associations and human rights organizations to facilitate social change for LGBTQIA+ people around the world. Each year, InterPride, its partners, and its members engage millions of people through in-person and virtual events, mainstream media, and social media.
About Pride
- InterPride defines Pride as any public or semi-public gathering led by and for people from SOGIESC communities that promotes visibility and inclusion.
- Such gatherings take many forms including but not limited to a parade, march, rally, festival, as well as events reflecting varying cultural practices such as pageants, traditional dance, ceremonies, and story-telling.
- The nature of Pride gatherings is influenced by political, social, and cultural contexts including constraints imposed by at-risk environments.
- A Pride organization is one that produces a Pride event. An organization may be described as Pride-like where it does not produce a Pride event as described above but aspires to do so. The inability to produce a Pride event may be due to factors such as the prohibition against public assembly, politically hostile environments, lack of funding, or organizational capacity.
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Past (20)
Maximizing Partnership Potential in 2023 Power Hour with EventHub
Tue, Jul 26 • 6:00 PM UTC
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Planning Your Trip to InterPride's 2022 Annual General Meeting & Conference
Sat, Jul 16 • 10:00 AM UTC
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Rainbow Racism Webinar: Interracial Relationships and The Queer Experience
Sun, Mar 27 • 4:00 PM UTC
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Afghan Refugee Crisis: How Rainbow Railroad Is Making An Impact
Sun, Mar 13 • 5:00 PM UTC
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Rainbow Racism Webinar: First Nations Navigation Of Biases In Queer Spaces
Sat, Feb 26 • 4:00 AM UTC
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Webinar: Jetty Event Management System For Pride Organizers
Fri, Feb 4 • 6:00 PM UTC
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